Apparently common daily life sequences are interrupted by life drama; The silence is broken by a sudden death, by a scream or by an existential crisis. UNTOLD reveals four different life conclusions regarding the dreams fulfilment. These people have ages from 26 till 66. It can be a look over a sad past or a hopefully future.

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I am talking about alienation and individualism. During the film I present a symbolic run of industrialization, mechanization and superficiality to avoid a life as a print. I try to show two possibilities: accepting to be a “canned food human” or running for a better life for keeping the spirituality and essence alive.

15 minutes of confusion

It’s about the deterioration of the educational system in Romania and politics that encourages this phenomenon. The youth has two options: the easy way, that is corrupted and superficial, or the hard way that makes the youth to reach the professionalism and the essence of the life. The film emphasizes in a cynical mood the nowadays youth confusion. I believe criticizing helps improving.

Indrazneste sa fii viu!


Message is a film that criticizes the loss of hope of real love and its purity. In this film I share my own experience in love. I try to convince the audience about the importance of the deepness of the feelings that we share with other people especially, those between a man and a woman. The main role of any society is to lead humanity to the real values and feelings.

Dare to be alive!

This project is a personal revelation; there are pages from my personal life and experiences. I realized that I am just a robot for any society! I exit the dreams world to confront reality. I ask: who built this world, the aliens?

Unpack your package and see who you are